Wiccan Sabbats
The Wiccan Sabbats are like holidays for Wiccans. Each separate Sabbat has its own traditions, and different kinds of rites to be performed. The ways I choose to celebrate the eight Sabbats are listed below.
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Samhain, October 31st
Yule, December 21st
Imbolc, February 2nd
Eostre, March 20th - 21st
Beltaine, April 30th - May 2nd
Litha, June 21st
Lughnasadh, July 31st - August 2nd
Mabon, September 20th - 23rd
You can always adapt rites to create your own personal celebration of the Sabbats.
1 Magick Candle
Next Sabbat: Eostre, 21st March 2007