Cast the circle. Join hands if there is more than one person. Raise them and say:
"Thanks to the Goddess. Thanks to the God. Today, day and night are balanced. Today the Sun enters the sign
of Libra, the balance. Today the dark begins to dominate the light. Today is Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox. It's the time of
Harvest, when crops are gathered. We give thanks to the Earth Mother, who nourishes us. Blessed be. Its the time to gather
the seeds. We gather the seeds to renew our crops for next year. The cylce of life continues to nourish us. Blessed be. We
give thanks to the God, who will sacrifice himself in order to be reborn again. Blessed be."
Bow your head and close your eyes. Breathe deeply for a few minutes, then say:
"Blessed be."