Cast the circle. Have three candles of Imbolc colours (red, brown, silver, white, light green, yellow) and
a Goddess candle. Light one of the three candles and say:
"Bridgit, Lady of fire,
of hearth and forge,
we welcome your return."
Light the second candle and say:
Bride, Lady of healing
of peace and joy,
we wlcome your return."
Light the third candle and say:
"Bri'id, Lady of inspiration
of vision and poetry,
we welcome your return."
Light the Goddess candle and say:
"Bri'id returns from her Winter sleep
Warm Spring follows in her steps
Soon the trees are green again
Soon the flowers bloom
We welcome back our Lady Bri'id
And every house makes room
Behold the Three-Formed Goddess
She who is ever Three - Maid, Mother and Crone
Yet is she ever One
For without Spring there can be no Summer
Without Summer no Winter
Without Winter no Spring
Thus we banish Winter
Thus we welcome Spring
Say farewell to what is dead
and greet each living thing
Thus we banish Winter
Thus we welcome Spring!"