Cast your circle. Upon your altar you should have a red candle, a puch containing herbs of Litha, ritual water and a
fireproof bowl. Place the pouch insdie the bowl and light the red candle and say:
"Many thousand years we have come
To be here in this moment, with you,
Earth, the Moon, the stars and the sun,
Dancing the dream awake."
Using the candle, set the pouch alight and say:
"I celebrate the noon of Summer with mystic rites.
O great Goddess and God,
all nature vibrates with your energies
and the earth is bathed with warmth and life.
Now is the time of forgetting past cares and banes;
Now is the time for purificatiopn.
O fiery Sun,
burn away the unuseful,
the hurtful,
the bane,
in your omnipotent power.
Purify me!"
Extinguish the pouch with your ritual water and say:
"O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God,
on this night of midsummer magick
I pray that you charge my life with
wonder and joy. Help me in attuning
with the energies adrift on the enchanted air.
I give thanks."
Feel the powers of nature flowing through you, cleansing you, purifying you. Blow out the red candle.