Wicca by Vivianne Crowley
Wicca - the ancient religion of Witchcraft or Wisecraft - is said to be the oldest religion in the world. Today, growing
numbers of people are becoming attracted to 'the old way', with the connection it offers to the natural world and the magickal
force of the Universe. Vivianne Crowley's bestselling book explains the way of the Witch and shows the relevance of modern
Wicca in today's world. Full of practical information and diagrams, this thought provoking book provides and in-depth guide
to the Old Religion.
A Witches' Bible - The Complete Witches' Handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar
This collection includes two books in one volume, Eight Sabbats for Witches and The Witches' Way and
is the most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles, rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft.
- The Sabbats
- Casting and Banishing the Magick Circle
- The Complete Book of Shadows
- The Great Rite
- Initiation Rites
- Consecration Rites
- Spells
- Witches' Tools
- Witchcraft and Sex
- Running a Coven
- Clairvoyance
- Astral Projection
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
"This is one of the most widely recommended books you will hear mentioned when talking to anyone who walks these paths.
Countless thousands have come to understand and embrace the Lord and the Lady through the words and the wisdom revealed within."
-The Celtic Connection
"A positive, practical introduction to Wicca, designed so that any interested person can learn to practice alone, anywhere
in the world."
-The Enchanting News
"... a simple, yet comprehensive introduction to the beliefs and rituals of Wicca. Scott Cunningham explains the philosophies,
tenets, holidays, and rituals in a way that everyone can understand, and not be intimidated."
-United Pagan Ministries
Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham
" ... a simple yet comprehensive introduction to the beliefs and rituals of Wicca. Scott Cunningham explains the philosophies,
tenets, holidays, and rituals in a way that everyone can understand, and not be intimidated."
Pagan Ministries
"A positive, practical introduction to Wicca, designed so that any interested person can learn to practice alone, anywhere
int he world."
-The Enchanting News
"This is one of the most widely recommended books that you will hear mentioned when talking to anyone who walks these
paths. Countless thousands have come to understand and embrace the Lord and Lady through the words and wisdom revealed within."
-The Celtic Connection
" ... a must for the beginning practitioner, or the solitary practitioner, male or female, no matter what age."
- Razing the Stakes, The Newsletter of the Index
"This book has become a classic introduction to the Wiccan religion."
- The Cauldron, A Pagan Forum
" ... the essential primer from one of the best known authors on Wicca."
- Brian Patterson, amazon.com
Scott Cunningham authored more than thirty books, both fiction and nonfiction, including: Earth, Air, Fire and Water;
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic; The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews; Cunningham's Encyclopedia
of Magical Herbs; and Wiica: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.
Book of Shadows by Migene Gonzālez-Wippler
"The Book of Shadows is the name given to the 'diary' of a Witch, but in reality it is much more than a diary; it is
a compendium of all the practices, beliefs, rituals, and spells of Witchcraft.
"Wicca is essentially a religion, as sacred and vital as other religions. Its central foundation is nature and all of
its laws. Witches maintain a constant identification with the flora, fauna, the waters, the winds, and all other natural phenomena.
"Witches' profound belief in the soul of nature allows them to establish contact with everything that exists, and nature
itself entrusts its most precious secrets to the Witche's care. A highly developed Witch may stop or bring the rain, raise
the wind or calm it, and carry out other magical acts equally astonishing.
"All of this is possible becasue of their faith in their own powers and the powers of nature. Anyone can do the same
if they remember that everything is possible for those who believe."
- Migene Gonzālez-Wippler
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite
Arthur Edward Waite was a profound student of the occult. He was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, and made the
Tarot accessible to the modern day reader. This classic text for the Rider-Waite deck discusses:
- the major and minor arcana
- what each card means
- reversed card meanings
- how to do a basic reading
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot is ideal for use with the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the Universal Waite Tarot
Deck, both currently available at leading bookstores.
Earth Wisdom by Glennie Kindred
Our relationship to the Earth has changed.
We have become more aware of how our actions can affect the balance of Nature.
We are beginning to see ourselves as part of a global community and we are embracing a more heart-centred common unity.
Earth Wisdom inspires us to restore our own connections to the Earth. It encourages us to follow our own personal spirituality
and intuitive wisdom.
Earth Wisdom is a potent reminder to appreciate the natural vitality, unity, and intelligence of all life.
Earth Wisdom is a heartwarming mixture of the spiritual, the preactical, and the proactive. It includes imaginative ways
to experience the seasonal cycles; our relationship with the Earth, the trees and the plants, personal growth and inner renewal.
Earth Wisdom encourages positive action!
Glennie Kindred is a highly respected teacher and much loved expert on Earth traditions. She has a strong and comitted
following and is renowned for her ability to enthuse people with a joy for sacred celebrations and all aspects of the Earth.
Through her workshops, sacred events and writing, she encourages people to express their creative power and connect profoundly
with their own potential to change and to Love. Glennie is the author of seven books on herbal healers, tree lore, and sacred
Wicca/Sweep by Cate Tiernan
Something is happening to me that I don't understand. I see things, feel things in a new way. I
can do things normal people can't do. Powerful things. Magickal things. It scares me. I never chose to learn witchcraft. But
I'm starting to wonder if witchcraft is choosing me.
Click here for information on this series!
The Wicca Bible by Ann-Marie Gallagher
This comprehensive guide to Wicca will help you build and enhance your knowledge and skills in the Craft. It includes
everything you need to know about the subject, including customs and traditions, visualizations, rituals, spells, divination
techniques, circlework and coven etiquette.
If you are new to Wicca, you will find practical advice on the everyday business of Wicca, such as how to put together
an altar, consecrate magickal tools and cast a circle. If you are an experienced practitioner, this book will deepen and expand
your understanding of Wiccan spirituality.
Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes
Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft is a comprehensive celebration of all facets of witchery and the magical arts: from
fairy tales to familiars, hags to healers, Ancient Egypt to modern Hoodoo, Wicca and Neo-Paganism, from New Orleans Voodoo
to the Golden Dawn, this definitive reference book reveals and explores the many faces, facets and diverse traditions of thousands
of years of witchcraft.
are recipes from the witch's cauldron, auspicious dates from the witch's sacred calendar, and spells from the witch’s
The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes
the world of folklore, myth, witchcraft and magic!
The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells, a comprehensive guide to the
magical arts, features five thousand spells spanning five thousand years of magical history drawn from Earth’s every
inhabited corner, from ancient to modern Egypt, from old Mesopotamia to today’s African Diaspora.
At certain periods in history hysteria and paranoia overcame many societies, and with this came the belief that all their
troubles were the result of witchcraft. For the alleged crime of witchcraft a simple accusation was often enough th guarantee
the horrific torture of the accused to extract a confession, then he or she would be subjected to a protracted and aganising
WITCHCRAFT traces the history of witchcraft, witch trials, and the people who were accused of, or who confessed
to, being witches. It also examines the symbols, objects and concepts claimed to be associated with witchcraft and looks at
Wicca, the modern neo-pagan religion of benevolent magic.
The Book of Runes by Ralph Blum
This work reintroduces the ancient tradition of divination using the runic symbols. As well as introducing
the history of the tradition, the symbols are reinterpreted and made relevant to readers. It includes 25 hand-made rune stones
and pouch.