Agrimony - protection, sleep, banish negative energy, banish spirits, spell reversal
Alfalfa - prosperity, money
Allspice - money, luck, healing, prosperity, physical energy
Aloe - beauty, protection, success, peace, healing,
Angelica - protection, healing, visions, exorcism
Anise - protection, purification, awareness, joy, psychic
enhancement, sleep
Asafoetida - banishing, purification, protection
Basil - protection, love, wealth, healing
relationships, ensuring faithfulness, courage, fertility, exorcism
Bay - protection, psychic powers and dreams, purification,
strength, healing, repels negativity and evil
Benzoin - purification, meditation, prosperity, success, love, peace,
Black Cohash - courage, love, potency, protection
Blessed Thistle - purification, hex breaking
- protection, purification, repels negativity
Calamus Root - luck, money, healing, protection
Caraway - protection,
passion, lust, health, mental powers
Cascara Sagrada - good luck, spell breaking, astral travel, money
- cat magick, familiars, joy, friendship, love, beauty, happiness
Cedarwood Chips - healing, purification, protection,
Chamomile - meditation, centering, peace, sprinkle in your home for protection, money, healing
- fertility, love
Cinnamon - spiritual quests, power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing, clairvoyance,
lust, protection
Cinquefoil - luck, love, money, dreams, health, wisdom, power, protection, banishing potions
- money matters, vision, exorcism, love, protection, cleansing, purification
Coltsfoot - love, visions
- safe travel, money, healing
Coriander - protection of home, peace, serenity, longevity, love
Cumin - prevent
theft, protection, fidelity, exorcism
Damiana - lust, love, visions
Dandelion - divination, welcoming, messages
Dead Sea Salts - purification, creation of sacred spaces
Dill - money, protection, love
Dragon's Blood
- power, purification, protection, exorcism, consecration, love, energy
Echinacca - strengthen spells
- exorcism, protection, sleep, healing, prosperity
Eucalyptus - protection, healing
Eye Bright - clairvoyant
visions, psychic dreams
Fennel - purification, protection, healing, money
Feverfew - protection
- protection, beauty, healing, money, psychic powers
Frankincense - protection, blessing, spirituality, meditation,
power, consecration, exorcism
Galangal - protection, lust, health, money, psychic powers, hex breaking
- protection, healing, good weather, courage, exorcism, lust
Ginger - love, success, power, money
Ginko -
lust, good luck
Ginseng - love, wishes, healing, beauty, lust, desire
Goldenrod - divination, money
Kola - meditation
Gum Arabic - spirituality, purification
Hawthorne - happiness, fertility, protection against
Henna - healing
Hibiscus - divination, love, lust
Hops - healing, sleep
Horse Chestnut
- money, healing
Hyssop - purification, protection, banishing, cleansing, consecration
Jasmine - love, money
Juniper - protection from accidents, harm, theft, exorcism
Kelp - wind spells, protection, psychic powers,
attract wealth
Lavender - sleep, longevity, peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, clarity of thought,
Lemon Balm - success, health, love
Lemon Grass - love potions, aphrodisiac, fertility, psychic
Lemon Peel - friendship, love, longevity, purification
Lemon Verbana - youth, beauty, attractiveness,
purification, love strength
Licorice - love, fidelity, lust
Mandrake - protection, fertility, love, health,
Marigold - prophesy, love, clairvoyance, dreams, personal energy
Marjoram - protection, love, healing,
Meadowsweet - protection, love, balance, healing
Milkthistle - strength, aids in making wise choices
Mistletoe - fertility, protection, love, exorcism
Motherwort - children, love
Mugwort - clairvoyance,
astral projection, psychic dreams, protection
Muellin - courage, protection, love, divination, exorcism, health
- health, protection, fertility
Myrrh - peace, purification, protection, exorcism, healing, meditation
- protection, healing, courage, exorcism, lust
Nutmeg - clairvoyance, prosperity, fidelity, health
- prosperity, money
Onion - protection, healing
Orange Peel - love, fertility, luck, money
Orris Root
- love, divination, protection, sexual appeal
Osha Root - strength, power, passion
Parsley - protection, purification
Passion Flower - peace, sleep, friendship
Patchouli - money, fertility, passion, new business
- strength, protection, peace
Pepper (black) - banishing, protection, jealousy, courage
Peppermint - healing,
purification, sleep, love
Periwinkle - love, lust, protection, money
Poppy - fertility, love, sleep, invisibility,
Psyllium - calming, peace, attract friends, stop gossip
Raspberry - love, protection
Red Clover
- protection, love, fidelity, exorcism, success
Rose Hips - healing, divination, relationships
Rose Buds/Petals
- love, psychic powers, healing, luck, protection, divination, friendship
Rosemary - love, lust, improve memory, sleep,
purification, youth, power, healing, protection, intellectual
Sage - immortality, longevity, protection, wisdom, wishes
Sandalwood - protection, wishes, healing, spirituality, exorcism
Sassafras Root Bark - money, health
Salt - purification
Senna - sex, lust, love
Sheeps Sorrel - healing
Shepherd Purse - healing
- love, fidelity, peace
Spearmint - love, mental powers, healing
St. John's Wort - love, health, protection,
strength, happiness
Strawberry - luck
Tansy - health, longevity
Thyme - sleep, psychic energy, courage,
healing, purification, ward off negativity
Tonka Bean - wishes, love, courage, money
Uva Ursi - ceremonies,
psychic powers
Valerian - love, calming, sleep, purification, protection, consecration, exorcism, happiness, hex breaking,
White Oak - protection, potency, healing, money, health, fertility, luck
Wild lettuce - dreams
- love, protection, healing
Wood Betony - protection, purification, love
Wormwood - psychic powers, calling
spirits, love, protection
Yarrow - courage, love, exorcism, psychic powers, protection, attraction
Dock - fertility, healing, money
Yerba Mate - attraction, lust
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