truth, protection, aura cleansing, focusing, centering
romantic love, passion, enhances sensuality, sexuality and intimacy, positive thoughts, boosts energy and self confidence
energy, protection, mental organization, grounding, memory enhancement
grants wisdom, attracts love, useful for protection, purity, serenity, luck, prosperity
animal healing, animal communicating, grounding
aids in serices to others, grounding, protection during travel
protection, fairness, justice, stabilizing and balancing, enhances responsibility, choice, compassion, recalling dreams
stregth and balance in social arenas, protection during travel, shields negativity, protect from depression
channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, visualisations, loyalty, honesty, tranquility, meditation
truthfulness, divination, openness, inner power, intuition, virility, strengthen mind and body, increase awareness, protection,
promotes courage, relieve depression, promote peace
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