high born, full-blooded and lusting free am I;
the wind is my vioce and my song.
high and low,
breeze and whirlwind,
soft and sweet,
loud and shrill,
wild is my will,
and impetuous my desire.
I take whom I will;
no man can refuse my love and live.
And he to whom I have revealed myself,
is the blessed of all men.
He who has won the favour of the High Gods,
and who shall refuse the behest of the Gods;
for you are but leaves,
blown upon the wind.
I am thy Goddess;
before the beginning of time was I.
I made the mountains into peaks,
and laid with soft grass the valley and the meadows,
Mine was the first foot which trod upon the Earth,
and where I walked there sprung forth flowers,
and mine was the voice that gave rise to the first song,
and the birds listened and heard and made return.
In the dawn of the world I taught the sea its song,
and mine were the tears that made the first rains.
Listen and hear me;
for none can escape me.
It was I who gave birth to you,
and in the depths of my Earth,
You will find rest and rebirth,
and I will spring you forth anew,
a fresh shoot to greenness.
Fear me
love me,
adore me,
lose yourself in me.
I am the wine of life,
I stir the senses,
I put song in the heart and on the lips of men,
before the battle I give my strength.
I am the power.