Spokes and Spirals
Time spins slowly,
Holding us in its spiral,
Ever evolving.
We dance the seasons and the
Hours. We sing the Moon's changes.
Each day brings new lessons.
Each month means new magick.
Let them come, let them go.
Open yourself to the spin.
Free the mind, and
The heart must follow.
Hear the Moon's melody
Echoing, time turning toward the
Yoke of death and rebirth.
Embrace transformation.
All things, in the end,
Return to the Source.
-Elizabeth Barrette
Darkling Mirror
Magick pools
In the witching hour,
Deeper than sleep.
Name it as you name yourself,
Instant of awareness
Glimpsed in dark glass.
How you choose to use
This knowledge is up to you.
-Elizabeth Barrette
Hidden By Light
Deep in the month,
A time of rest
Recharges before renewal.
Know this mystery, then:
Maiden, mother, crone
Only cover three quarters.
On the fourth is unborn,
Not night but day veiling her face.
-Elizabeth Barrette
Signs of Life
Season of renewal,
Persephone returning like
Rising sap to burst buds
Into blossoms - everywhere we
Notice the signs of life
Getting on with itself.
- Elizabeth Barrette
Day breaks like an egg,
A golden yolk of Sun shining through
White cloud, reminding us of this magick:
No darkness lasts forever.
- Elizabeth Barrette