Sunday, March 6th, 2005, 2155h
First entry onto my website journal and nothing to say. I haven't cast as of late, although I am slowly completing the
herbs section in the Associations part of the site, and spells are appearing slowly.
My boyfriend has been away for the weekend and he came home earlier today. I was hoping to see him but it didn't happen.
Nothing new in the Wiccan side of my life. I bought a book on Friday: "Spellworking for Covens" as I do cast
with my friend sometimes. Am unsure what this week will bring. Shall have to wait and see.
Blessed be.
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005, 1649h
Ok, I didn't celebrate Eostre, but I didn't find time to in all honesty. I have posted a ritual though, sorry it took
a long time coming. I haven't worked on the site in a while. My boyfriend kind of became a priority in my life. He still is
really. I love him though, and nothing in the universe can change that. Blessed be all!
Monday, April 11th 2005, 2113h
I haven't been casting lately, though I think a cheering up spell is in order. All week I've been crying about this that
and the other. I think it's just becasue I've had a mound of schoolwork piled onto me for the Easter holidays, my boss turned
around to me the other day and said work is more important that school (or she might as well have) and my boyfriend being
away for a week has just all hit me at once and it's damned gotten to me. At least with school tomorrow and most of my homework
done (just two pieces left) and my boyfriend back home everything seems to be finally back on track. Maybe now I'll calm down.
Blessed be!
Beltaine 2005, 2204h
Blessed be this merry Beltaine!
So I celebrated traditionally by making love with my boyfriend. Thought I'd add a little update today to say that updating
the site is becoming increasingly difficult becasue exams are drawing nearer, but I shall hopefully get through them OK. The
herbs section in Associations is finally complete, stress on the finally. Happy Beltaine!
Wednesday, May 25th 2005, 2051h
Blessed be all! Am kind of back working on the site, but I have a lot of exams at the moment, so I'm revising for them.
They'll all be over tenth June, no worries. I've updated a few little things on the site, nothing major. I bought a new book
so any useful information is carefully being added as I read the book. In my life, other that revision, not a whole lot's
going on. No magick as of late. Exams taking presidence over pretty much everything. Merry part for now!
Litha 2005, 1018h
I'm in school and shouldn't really be working on the website but I have a double free period and have just written a
Litha ritual (I know I should have written it before) which is now available on the website. I intend to perform the ritual
in my garden when I go home at about half past three. I shall hopefully be able to sign back on later to update with information
about how it went.
Blessed be and Happy Litha!
Litha 2005, 2203h
I celebrated Litha in my bedroom. Made slightly more sense at the time for some reason ... My room was a little bit smoky
after, but I was happy with way I celebrated it. I structured my ritual using information from Scott Cunningham's Wicca:
A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner and Glennie Kindred's Earth Wisdom. Am going now! Blessed be and merry
part ... for now!
Monday, September 5th 2005, 1656h
Well, as you can see, the site has had a makeover. Not really anything new, but I did spend an hour choosing and setting
up the new layout so please like it! All the associations, spells, Sabbats etc are now kept in the Book of Shadows section.
I also have a guest book at the footer of the page. Nothing new magickally really. The full moon is the 17th this month, so
have fun and Blessed Be!
Wednesday, December 14th 2005, 2139h
I gave the site another makeover. Prefer this one ... More witchy if that makes sense. I'm leaving the pause message
up on the homepage though becasue work will be little and often for the time being I'm afraid. We have a poems page that's
half done. Its Yule next Wednesday so make sure your supplies are ready, adn have a great Yule everybody!
Blessed Be!
Friday, January 6th 2006, 2227h
I have exams at the moment, and am freaking out over them. I'm sure I'll be OK, but there's so much pressure to pass
them ... It's really quite scary. Navigation on the site is easier now. Links back to the previous page are lying around.
Also the bar at the top is again smaller ... things are moved around as you obviously noticed, reading this. I celebrated
Yule using the second, new ritual posted on the Yule page with my friend who came home from University for Christmas. And
in non magickal news, on Monday, I will have been with my boyfriend for a year :D Am so happy!
Monday, March 13th 2006, 2128h
Quite a bit has been added to this site ... The Book of Shadows is now laid out in the same order as my own filed version
is, only I don't have a journal section or a poem section and haven't written my A-Z yet. The Runes and Herbs pages have been
made over, and a few new recommended books are added to the list. Overall I've done a lot more on the site than I have handwritten,
but I did write a spell to encourage me to achieve goals, which hasn't been added to the site yet. It works quite interestingly
as well because rather than encouraging you to achieve your goals, it makes you feel bad that you aren't doing something to
accomplish them. I will add it to the site eventually though.
Blessed be and safe casting!
Thursday, June 15th, 2006, 2047h
Ok, so I haven't updated the site lately. I have exams - possibly the biggest and most important exams I'll ever sit
so I'm afraid the site is in for a very long period of no additions. I shall let people know when new information is added
Monday, October 30th 2006, 2227h
I'm sorry about the current status of this site. I am ashamed to say that work may be on hold until after Yule as I am
in Plymouth University studying marine biology and coastal ecology and stupidly left all my Wiccan textbooks and my personal
Book of Shadows at home - tear. I am very sorry for people who keep checking back for more updates, and as soon as I write
or obtain new information I shall update the site.
On another side note I cannot wait until tomorrow night ... SAMHAIN!!!!!!
Blessed be.