Aloe - attract good
fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, strength
Amber - emotional stability,
Anise - protection,
purification, awareness, joy, psychic enhancement, sleep
Balsam Fir - purification,
meditation, healing
Basil - protection,
love, wealth, healing relationships, ensuring faithfulness, courage, fertility, exorcism
Bayberry - good luck,
Benzoin - purification,
meditation, prosperity, love, peace, cleansing
Bergamot - prosperity
Carnation - healing,
energy, protection
Cedar - purification,
stimulate or strengthen psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, heal various ailments
Cinnamon - spiritual
quests, power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing, clairvoyance, lust, protection
Citronella - purification
Clove - money matters,
vision, exorcism, love, protection, cleansing, purification
Coconut - protection
Dragon's Blood - exorcism,
luck, love
Dill - money, protection,
Eucalyptus - protection,
Frangipani - purification,
blessing, protection
Frankincense - protection,
blessing, spirituality, meditation, power, consecration, exorcism
Geranium - fertility,
health, love, protection
Ginger - love, success,
power, money
Grapefruit - cleansing
Honeysuckle - psychic
powers, protection, finances
Heather - burned to
conjure beneficial spirits and to magickally produce rain
Hibiscus - attract love
Jasmine - attract love
and money, induce dreams
Juniper Berry
- protection from accidents, harm and theft, exorcism, love
Lavender - sleep, longevity,
peace, wishes, protection, love, purification, visions, clarity of thought, attraction
Lemon - love, friendship,
Lemongrass - love potions,
aphrodisiac, fertility, psychic powers
Lilac - stimulate or
increase psychic powers, attract harmony into one's life
Lime - sleep, protection,
Lotus - protection
Mint - increase sexual
desire, exorcise evil supernatural entities, conjure beneficial spirits, attract money. Mint also possesses strong healing
vibrations and protection powers.
Musk - attraction, passion,
courage, fertility
Myrrh - peace, purification,
protection, exorcism, healing, meditation
Nag Champa - meditation,
spirituality, purification
Neroli - courage, confidence,
joy, peace, sensuality
Nutmeg - clairvoyance,
prosperity, fidelity, health
Oak Moss - virility
Orange - sweet love,
beauty, prosperity
Patchouli - money, fertility,
passion, new business
Peppermint - healing,
purification, sleep, love
Pine - healing, protection
Rose - increase courage,
induce prophetic dreams, attract love
Rosemary - love, lust,
improve memory, sleep, purification, youth, power, healing, protection, intellectual
Sage - immortality,
longevity, protection, wisdom, wishes
Sandlewood - protection,
wishes, healing, spirituality, exorcism
Sassafras - health,
Spearmint - healing
Tangerine - luck, love,
divination, money
Tea Tree - healing
Thyme - sleep, psychic
energy, courage, healing, purification, ward off negativity
Vervain - love, protection,
purification, peace, money, youth, chastity, sleep , healing
Vetiver - luck, love,
Wintergreen - protection,
hex breaking, healing
Ylang Ylang - love, sex, opportunity, peace