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The Healing Power of Crystals


Crystals have been used for millenia to heal and bring balance. They work through resonance and vibration. To gain maximum benefit from crystal healing, you need to be properly trained or to be treated by someone who is well qualified and experienced. But you can benefit in crystals for common ailments and they are effective first-aid remedies, especially when made into gem essences.

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Agate   Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful at the physical and emotional levels. Placed on the heart, it will heal the emotional disease that preveants the acceptance of love. Placed on the abdomen or taken as an elixir, Agate stimulates the digestive process and relieves gastritis. It heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; in cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; it stregthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders.

Agate: Blue Lace   Blue Lace Agate is a powerful throat healer. Its property of counteracting blocked off self expression releases shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies, and throat and lymph infections.It lowers fevers and removes blockages of the nervous system, and treats arthritic and bone deformity, strengthening the skeletal system and healing fractures. It also aids capillaries and the pancreas. As an elixir, it treats brain fluid inbalances and hydrocephalus. Blue Lace Agate can also be used to enchance healing - it focuses and directs sound to the appropriate place.

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Freya's Realm

Next Sabbat: Eostre, 21st March 2007