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Planetary Correspondances


To maximise the effect of witchcraft spells and natural magick, one should look to the natural correspondances between planets and other elements of magick. However, remember that the best magick is always composed of what works best for you.

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Sun - active change, advancement, creativity, ego, fame, favour, friendship, growth, healing, health, honour, hope, joy, leadership, life-energy, light, monetary gain, personal fulfillment, power, pride, promotion, self-confidence, success, superiors, vitality
Negative aspects: arrogance, bigotry, pride
Moon - astral travel, birth, children, clairvoyance, dreams, emotions, fertility, home, imagination, inspiration, intuition, secrets, sleep, women's mysteries, reincarnation
Negative aspects: delusion
Mars - agression, ambition, arguments, competition, conflict, destruction, energy, goals, lust, male sexuality, medical issues, sports, strength, strife, struggle, surgery, upheaval, victory, war
Negative aspects: anger, violence
Mercury - business, buying and selling, cleverness, communication, contracts, creativity, information, intellect, memory, perception, science, wisdom, writing
Negative aspects: dishonesty, deception
Jupiter - abundance, business, fame, gambling, greed, growth, expansion, honour, leadership, money, perties, ploitics, power, responsibility, royalty, success, visions, wealth
Negative aspects: greed, wastefulness
Venus - arts, attraction, beauty, female sexuality, friendship, harmony, love, luxury, music, pleasure, scent, sensuality, social affairs
Negative aspects: coldness, isolation, lechery
Saturn - astral plane, banks, binding, buildings, death, debts, discipline, history, institutions, karmic debts, knowledge, limitations, longevity, magickal knowledge, obstacles, real estate, sacred wisdom, structures, time
Negative aspects: oppression, pain



Next Sabbat: Eostre, 21st March 2007