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December 21st
Yule, The Longest Night, The Shortest Day, Winter Solstice

Yule Lore

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Cast the Circle. Upon the altar should be mistletoe and a sprig from a fir tree, one red candle and two green. Light the three candles and say,
"We are the rising Sun,
We are the change,
We are the ones we are waiting for and
We are dawning."
Sing or hum a traditional Christmas song and take the mistletoe in your left hand and the fir in your right. Burn each in a green candle and say,
"As the God awakens from his sleep,
The Goddess returns to slumber deep"
thirteen times. Extinguish the red candle, then the two greens.


Upon the altar should be God and Goddess candles, green and red candles, holly, mistletoe and ivy, and have a special large candle coloured a fiery colour to represent the Sun securely fixed in a cauldron or small dish placed to the South of your Circle.
Cast your Circle by the light of your God and Goddess candles. Walk slowly around your Circle and say:
"The Sun retreated behind the mists,
He descended to the Underworld and the Mother has mourned.
All on Earth has been darkness and cold.
Plants and animals have slept.
We have withdrawn, to wait."
Sit near the cauldron with your Sun candle in it and savour the darkness for a moment, to appreciate it coming to an end. Light the Sun candle and see light returning to the Earth. Stand and spread your arms to the sky saying:
"Behold, the Mother has given birth to the bright Sun.
Light returns to field and valley, mountain, lake and ocean.
Shadows flee, joy returns,
Blessed be the Great Goddess!"
Move your cauldron with its lighted candle to the altar and light all the other candles with a taper from the Sun candle. Dance around the cauldron deosil. Go to each of the four courners in turn starting with the North, clap your hands and say, "Wake up! The Sun has returned!" Now sit quietly and watch the flame of your Sun candle. What is being reborn in you/ Where are you now going to direct your energies? The Goddess and the God now have a gift for you. Allow pictures of what it may be rise up in you. Thank them, and pledge a gift of your own to the Earth on the coming year. Make a final communion of some wine or juice, and save some to pour out later upon the soil as an offering. Close the Circle when ready.


White Wicca

Next Sabbat: Eostre, 21st March 2007