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Pronounciation of Runes

The Runes are often pronounced as they are written, so here are the key sounds to include when talking about various Runes.

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MANNAZ - mar-naz
GEBO -  gay-bo
ANSUZ - arn-sooz
OTHILA - oh-thee-lar
URUZ - oo-rooz
PERTH - perth
NAUTHIZ - nah-thiz
INGUZ - ing-ooz
EIHWAZ - ay-wahz
ALGIZ - ahl-jeez
FEHU - fay-hue
WUNJO - woon-jo
JERA - jeh-rah
KANO - kah-no
TEIWAZ - tay-wahz
BERKANA - beh-kah-na
EHWAZ - eh-wahz
LAGUZ - lah-gooz
HAGALAZ - hah-galahz
RAIDO - ry-though
THURISAZ - thur-ee-sahz
DAGAZ - thah-gahz
ISA - ee-sah
SOWELU - sow-ay-loo
ODIN - oh-din



Next Sabbat: Eostre, 21st March 2007